
Best & Worst Super Bowl Foods of 2017

One of your favorite times of the year in America has already come and gone, Super Bowl Sunday! Besides the football and the commercials, one of the best parts about this massively popular event is the food. Some dishes are positively disappointing, whereas others are absolutely delicious. Here were the 4 worst and 4 best Super Bowl foods of 2017.

Top 4 Worst Super Bowl Foods of 2017


1) Vegetables

Just why? You had one job, ONE JOB, and instead of bringing home something delectable you decided to consult your neighborhood Walmart for a container of veggies? Yes, a veggie platter is indeed healthy, but it redefines boring. This deserves an “F.”

2) Nuts

Nuts are fantastic for your road trips and your outdoor adventures, and they are packed with all kinds of great vitamins and minerals. But come on, everyone that came to your party didn’t come to prepare for a bodybuilding show. As great as nuts are they are not quite Super Bowl caliber food. With that being said, “D” for effort.

3) Chili

Chili is an especially good food in the winter, it warms the soul and unites your family; however, it has no place on Super Bowl Sunday, and here’s why. You can have chili any day of winter, that’s right any day of winter. With that in mind, why would you want to eat chili on this special occasion? There are much better options to choose from than this bean-filled meal: “C.”

4) Cheese & Crackers

Cheese and crackers have their place in the world of parties, but not this one. Think about it, tonight you can eat anything you want and everyone will be doing it with you; there’s no reason to be eating a lunch snack food for your hearty meal. On this list, cheese and crackers score a “B-.”


Top 4 Best Super Bowl Foods of 2017


1) Chicken Wings

So the story goes like this, once upon a time football was so popular that they decided to create this big event called the Super Bowl. The NFL commissioner at the time decided that chicken wings should be the honorary food. Okay that’s not true, but come on, when you think of this great day you can’t do it without chicken wings in mind. Crispy, juicy, saucy, and divine, what more could you want? Yes, chicken wings get an “A.”

2) Sliders

Sliders are an absolute must-have because you can customize them anyway you like. From slow cooked pork, to beef, or even chicken, you can never go wrong with a piece of meat in between cheese, bacon, and two tasty little buns. These delightful little creations also receive an “A.”

3) Nachos

Could there ever be a better reason to eat piles of chips covered in meat and cheese than this one? You can never go wrong with nachos, and here are a couple of reasons why:


1) They are perfectly shareable, which brings family and friends together.

2) Meat, cheese, and chips have been brought together in holy matrimony just for you.

3) They are incredibly easy to make, and even easier to enjoy.
There you have it, 3 reasons why nachos get an “A” on this top 4 list.

4) Pizza

You are probably thinking, “hey why is pizza on this top 4 list; you can eat it everyday just like chili, what makes it so special?” Great question, as cliché as pizza is, it’s arguably the most classic food as well. Plus, you can order a large quantity of pizzas without having to lift a finger, which makes it a much more convenient food. Picture this, you are sitting on your throne watching the game on your giant 70-inch TV, when all of a sudden a figure appears and personally hand-delivers to you a little slice of paradise. Doesn’t that just sound like poetry in motion?


But if you are the type that likes channeling your inner Emeril in the kitchen and you are feeling really creative you can make a barbecue chicken pizza, and let’s face it, what beats a barbecue chicken pizza? Yep, you guessed it, pizza also gets an “A.”