
This Father and Son Took the Same Photo 28 Years In a Row, and the Last One is Absolutely Amazing


Tian Jun and his son Tian Li have taken the same photo for the last 28 years. The son, Li, was born in 1986 in China’s southwestern Guizhou Province. To celebrate Li’s birth, Jun posed with his son in front of a wall outside their home. It would become an annual tradition for the two.

But there was a single year the two couldn’t take a photo, stay tuned til the end to find out why.

Check out the slideshow below to see the amazing transformation through the years!

Jun originally started the project simply because he thought the idea would be interesting, but for Li, who would grow up to be a Chinese film director, he considers the series of photos to be an artistic expression.

“Time itself is a form of art. This is the power of time.”

Click Start Slideshow to Begin

1. 1986

1. 1986